Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Real People, Real Methods, Real Results...Part 2: Pick Your Battles

John: December 2008

To reach your ultimate goal you must have smaller goals or steps you must reach along the way. Great military leaders don't try to win the entire war in one day but try to win all of the smaller battles that comprise a war along the way. Well how many of you out there deep down inside really want to wage a war on body fat? With only about 10% of the United States population under 10% body fat, I'm going to assume it's pretty much all of you.

John (who you're familiar with from part 1) came to me in 2008 wanting to wage a personal war on body fat. We set up MANY small battles along the way. These battles included: Dietary changes day by day, week by week, meal by meal, training changes day by day, week by week, set by set. We started out with very small changes and PROGRESSED the entire time in one way or another. We progressed with the following:
-food selection (commercial meats to organic to grass fed), vegetables/fruit instead of processed carbs and starches
-one cucumber per day progressing slowly to 4-5 full salads/vegetable platters per day
-almond milk instead of skim milk
-nuts/jerky for snacks in place of cereal, etc.
-one multivitamin per day progressing all the way to 2 chelated multivitamins, chelated zinc and magnesium, high quality fish oil, and various herbal adaptogens (holy basil extract, theanine serine, cordyceps)
-drinking plenty of water during training progressing all the way to consuming 50grams of bcaa's around training

What can you learn from John's war? Pick many small battles:
-ONE meal at a time add a solid protein, fat, and vegetable source
-Replace ONE beverage per day with a big glass of water
-Replace your workout carb drink with bcaa's or plain water
-Worry about food changes before purchasing the "magic pill" (there isn't one)
Putting this together: If you make a new subtle change every day then after a few weeks you've completely changed all of your habits and will be closer to winning your personal war!

John: April 2009

To Be Continued: Stay tuned for a full synopsis of John's training leading up the the contest which will include his full program and a video compilation of his fat loss workouts.

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