Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Training Session: October 15th, 2008

A good friend of mine was in town for the day today and wanted to get a workout in. He's a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marines, so i figured he'd be up for something a little bit more challenging than a treadmill and some e-z bar curls (note the sarcasm). Anyways, here's what he did:

Warm Up:
-Warrior Lunges x 6 per leg
-Lateral Squats x 6 per side
-Walking Spiderman x 6 per side
-Cradle Walk x 6 per side
-High Knees 10 yds
-Bear Crawl 10 yds
-30 yard build up runs x 4

Segment 1:
A1: Backwards/ Forwards (alternate each set) Sled Drag w/ 140lbs on grass x 20 yards rest: 0
A2: Burpees x 8 reps rest: 0
A3: Bear Crawl x 20 yds back to start line rest: 0
A4: 20lb Med Ball Slam x 10 reps rest: 3 minutes
-Each set came out to take between 40-55 seconds

Segment 2:
A: Plate Pincher Walks(Farmers walks done holding onto a 45lb olympic plate in each hand)
-He went as far as he could in a ten minute period, breaking as needed to re-grip
-Ended up breaking six times in the ten minute period
(If you're looking to get your conditioning up along with your grip/ upper back strength, these are a phenominal exercise)

That's it for my first post, I'll have some more interesting stuff to post shortly along with some videos. For now check out my youtube page:

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